Making introductions and sending some links your way.


Angela here. Welcome to Starling, a tidy little place for collecting objects and ideas of note.

Wouldn’t be great if life was like the stuff you see on everyone else’s gorgeous blog? I mean, seriously, what if the lighting in your house always made it look freshly cleaned, polished, and smelling of rosemary and lemon? Such a lovely thought. What if my daughters could actually play with $300 handmade rag-dolls from Finland, which they only gently hug and never get filthy with tomato sauce and cat hairs? (Note: While it is unlikely that I would ever purchase a toy that costs more than my winter coat, for the sake of conversation I will say that would be very pretty indeed.) What if I had six pairs of Swedish Hasbeens lined up along the crisp, white wall of my post-modern decorated bedroom, one in every color? Well, I don’t actually want that many pairs of clogs, but the photos would be so nice.

If ever you log on to Starling and see pictures of my house like the ones I just described, there’s a pretty good chance they have come to pass by way of elven magic. Because as I look around my living room right now I see an abandoned pile of library books on the floor, crumpled note-cards from my daughter’s “Flags of the World” project, and a twisted mass of snow boots, gym-shoes, and slippers by the front door.

Not exactly “camera-ready”.

But I promise to do my best to present for you nice little glimpses into my home and my personal sense of what is stylish. What I hope to accomplish with this blog is to share with you some things that I think are special in some way, and maybe make some friends and learn a few things.

Some links to like:

I really dig anything, anytime, by LUSH.

This case for my iPhone which I just bought. I also like this one. And if I were a little more awesome, this one.

This cake recipe. Mmmm, cake.

My new favorite site for make-up tips. Oh, and my life was changed forever by her videos on HACing myself.

I do hope you’ll check out my About page and come back to see how things are coming along as Starling gets its feet wet.

Image courtesy of

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